Final Assessment (40%) : Product Exhibition

What happen on earth?I was doing this blog two times because of the mistake that I had doing just now. I accidentally deleted all what I've done before. So wasting my time to do this again. Maybe this blog not so good as the one that I had deleted.
Now I would like to make the conclusion about the Apple iPhone 3G. This gadget has a cool shape where it just rectangular in shape and it is very handy. Suitable to our hand. Not too big and not too small. iPhone can support the mp3 type of songs but for it's ringtones, it just support the polyphonic type. It has no radio output but what make me intersted on it because it has the tv output where we can use it to watch what on tv. This iPhone can support the short messaging service(SMS). But it can't support the multimedia message (MMS) and express mail service(EMS). Eventhough it has no MMS and EMS it has email services that user who want to keep in touch with other people. Regarding on sharing or transfering the file, this iPhone has the bluetooth service in it. It also has the universal serial bus(USB) to connect it to the computer as well. The software support by this iPhone is Mac OS X v10.As this iPhone is generated with all that user really want nowadays so I can conclude that Apple iPhone is suitable to anyone especially to those who is directly involve in business field. So, just this for my blog. See you again in our exhibition day..=]


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